

Mmaraka oa Lefatše oa Lithethefatsi tsa Peptide tse Lekanyelitsoeng ho fihlela 2040: Ho Hola Lichelete tsa Sechaba le tsa Poraefete ho Potlakisa Kholo

DUBLIN, la 26 Phuptjane 2023- Tlaleho "'Maraka oa Lithethefatsi oa Peptide o Behetsoeng - Tlhahlobo ea Lefatše le Lebatooa: Tsepamisa maikutlo ho Mefuta ea Peptide, Lihlahisoa le Tlhahlobo ea Libaka - Analysis le Forecast, 2024-2040".
Kamora ho hlahisoa ha 'maraka oa pele oa sethethefatsi sa peptide se thibetsoeng,' maraka oa lefats'e oa lithethefatsi o lebelletsoeng ho hola ho tloha 2024 ho isa 2040. Boholo ba mmaraka bo lebelletsoe ho fihla ho $60M ka 2024 le $17.38B ka 2040, ka CAGR ea 38.94% ho feta. nako ea bolepi 2025-2040.
Mmaraka oa lefats'e o thibetsoeng oa lithethefatsi tsa peptide o lebelletsoe ho ba le kholo e kholo nakong ea kemolo ho tloha 2025 ho isa 2040, e susumetsoang haholo ke ts'episo ea phaephe e ncha e thibetsoeng ea peptide e seng e sa felle feela ho lipehelo tsa receptor.Tsoelo-pele ea theknoloji ea lik'hemik'hale, tsoelo-pele khoebong ea kalafo ea maiketsetso ea peptide lilemong tsa morao tjena, le litheko tse theko e tlase tse fihlelletsoeng ke li-biomolecule tsena mafung a fapaneng ke lintlha tse ling tse tlatsetsang kholong e lebelletsoeng nakong ea kemiso.
Tlhahlobo ea litlamorao tsa nako e khuts'oane le nako e telele e etsoa ho latela lintlha tse amang 'maraka haholo, e leng, bakhanni, litšitiso le menyetla.Tekanyetso ea nako e khuts'oane e nka nako ea 2020-2025 mme tlhahlobo ea nako e telele e nka nako ea 2026-2040.
Lintlafatso le maano a bohlokoa a amohetsoeng ke ba bang ba libapali tsa bohlokoa 'marakeng ona li kenyellelitsoe tlhahlobong ea tlhahlobo ea phello.Ho feta moo, lintlafatso tsena tsa bohlokoa li hlahlojoa ho utloisisa menyetla ea nako e tlang ea ho kopanya mahlale a tsoetseng pele ho fihlela litholoana tse phahameng.Ntle le moo, litumellano le ho tsebisoa ha lik'hamphani le mekhatlo ea litokelo tsa molao le tsona li hlokomeloa ha ho hlahlojoa matla a 'maraka oa lefats'e bakeng sa lithethefatsi tsa peptide tse thibetsoeng ke peptide.
Lintlha tse Batlang le Litšitiso Tse latelang ke lintlha tsa tlhoko ea 'maraka oa lefats'e oa Peptide Dependence Inhibitors:
4 Kakaretso ea 'Maraka 4.1 Selelekela 4.1.1 Sebopeho le Moralo oa Li-Peptide Tse Lekanyelitsoeng 4.1.2 Mefuta ea Li-Peptide Tse Lekanyelitsoeng 4.2 Evolution of Restricted Peptides 4.3 Nts'etsopele ea Li-Peptide Tse Lekanyelitsoeng Joaloka Lithethefatsi 4.4 Libaka Tse Ka 'nang Tsa Phekoloha 4.5 Libaka Tsa Bohlokoa 6. ) ) 4.7 Mekhoa ea mantlha ea indasteri nakong ea kenyelletso 4.8 Mekhoa ea mantlha ea indasteri - tsoelopele ea thekenoloji 4.9 Boholo ba 'maraka le bokhoni ba kholo ea kholo, USD bilione, 2024-2040 le nchafatso bakeng sa lik'hamphani tse hlahisang lithethefatsi tsa peptide tse thibetsoeng.
5 Thepa ea li-peptide tse thibetsoeng ka mokhoa o lumellanang 5.1 Thepa ea li-peptide tse thibetsoeng ka mokhoa o lumellanang 5.2 Synthesis of restricted peptides 5.2.1 Chemical ligation of peptides and bridging 5.2.2 Chemical ligation of peptides to scaffolds (CLIPS) 5.2.3 Crosslinking ea peptide 2.2. ho sibolloa (5.2.5 Liquid-Phase Peptide Synthesis (LPPS) 5.2.6 Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis (SPPS) 5.3 Tsoelo-pele ho Peptide Technology 5.3.1 Peptide Synthesis Using Microfluidics 5.3.2 Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis (SPPS) Khetha Sisteme
6 Lintlha tsa Indasteri 6.1 Kakaretso 6.2 Litaba tse nang le Tumello ea Taolo Litsela bakeng sa Li-Peptide Tse Lekanyelitsoeng 6.3 Maemo a Taolo bakeng sa Li-Peptide Tse Lekanyelitsoeng 6.4 Litlhoko tsa Taolo le Sebopeho sa US 6.4.1 Tumello ea Tleliniki 6.4.2 Ka mor'a Authorization ea FDA6.6 Ka mor'a Authorization ea US. molao 6.5 Litlhokahalo tsa molao tsa Europe le moralo 6.5.1 Ts'ebetso ea kopo ea laesense ea EMA 6.5.2 Mekhoa e bohareng 6.5.3 Mekhoa ea ho amohela 6.5.4 Mekhoa ea ho amohelana ka bobeli 6.5.5 Mekhoa ea naha 6.6 Litlhokahalo tsa molao le meralo sebakeng sa Asia -Pacific 6.6.1 Litlhoko tsa molao le sebopeho sa Japane 6.7 Maemo a puseletso 6.7.1 Maemo a puseletso ea lefu la Autoimmune 6.7.2 Maemo a puseletso ea mofets'e
7 Matla a 'Maraka 7.1 Tlhahlobo ea Liphello 7.2 Lintlha tsa Mmaraka 7.2.1 Keketseho ea Kamano e Tlamahang le Kamohelo ea Liselefounu 7.2.2 Ntlafatso ea Mekhoa e Lekanyelitsoeng ea Maiketsetso 7.2.3 Meeli ea Li-Peptide Tse Tloaelehileng 7.2.4 Keketso ea Lichelete tsa Sechaba le tsa Poraefete. .4 .2 Lithuso tsa lichelete ke likhamphani tse thathamisitsoeng Lithuso tsa lichelete ke litsi tsa sechaba 7.3 Litšitiso tsa 'maraka 7.3.1 Keketseho ea tlholisano ea biologics 7.3.2 Kotsi ea litlamorao tsa immunogenic le thepa e tlase ea ADME 7.4 Menyetla ea 'maraka 7.4.1 Li-peptide tse fokolang tsa ho sibolla lithethefatsi 7.4.2 Lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tsa tsamaiso ea methapo le kalafo ea mofets'e
8 Boemo ba tlholisano 8.1 Kakaretso ea maemo a tlholisano 8.1.1 Lintlafatso tsa mantlha 8.1.2 Mesebetsi ea taolo le ea molao 8.1.3 Ho kopanya le ho fumana thepa 8.1.4 Mesebetsi ea kopano 8.1.5 Liketso tsa lichelete 8.1.6 Ntšetso-pele ea bongaka
9 Mmaraka oa lefats'e oa litlhare tse thibelang li-peptide (ka litaelo), mln USD, 2024–2040 9.1 Moetso oa Tleliniki ea Teko bakeng sa ho Thibela Liphekolo tsa Peptide 9.1.1 Liphekolo Tse ka bang teng tsa Phase II II) Lintlha tsa Tšebetso, Tšireletseho, le Tolerability (Mohato oa 1) 9. .2.4 Lithuto tsa Nonclinical tsa BT5528 9.1.3 PN-9439.1.3.1 Selelekela sa Sehlahisoa Lithuto tsa Moqapi (Mokhahlelo oa 2) Lintlha tse sebetsang hantle, polokeho le mamello (Mokhahlelo oa II) 9.1.4 PN-2319.1. 4.2 Moralo oa boithuto (Mokhahlelo oa IIb) Lintlha tse sebetsang hantle, polokeho le mamello (Mokhahlelo oa IIb) 9.1.5 Rusfertide (PTG-300) Kakaretso ea sehlahisoa Moralo oa boithuto (Mokhahlelo oa II) Bokhoni, polokeho le polokeho Lintlha tsa mamello (Mokhahlelo oa IIa) 9.1.6 Lithethefatsi tse ka bang teng tsa Mokhahlelo oa III 9.1.7 Zilukoplan (RA101495) Kakaretso ea sehlahisoa Moralo oa boithuto (Mokhahlelo oa III) Lintlha tsa katleho, polokeho le mamello (Mokhahlelo oa III.7) 49. Pharmacokinetic le pharmacodynamic profile ea Zilucoplan (Phase I) 9.1.8 Rusfertide (PTG- 300) Tlhaloso ea lihlahisoa Moqapi oa thuto (Mokhahlelo oa III) Lintlha tsa katleho, polokeho le mamello (Mokhahlelo oa II) oa 9.2 Tlhahlobo ea 9.2. matla a nts'etsopele ea 'maraka oa lefats'e oa lithethefatsi tsa peptide tse thibetsoeng, USD milione, katleho ea 2024-2040 Litsenyehelo tsa tlhahiso ea API (CDMO)
10 Mmaraka oa lefats'e oa lithethefatsi tse nang le ts'ebetso e fokolang ea peptide (ka mofuta oa peptide), US $ mln, 2024-2040 peptide e hokahantsoeng (DRP))
11 Mmaraka oa lefats'e oa litlhare tse thibetsoeng tsa peptide (ka lihlahisoa tse ka bang teng), mln USD, 2024-2040 (RA101495) tlhahiso ea API (lapeng) API ea tlhokeho ea 2024-2040 11.1.3 Rusfertide-1300 (Rusfertide). .3.1 Tlhahiso ea API (Outsourcing) Litšenyehelo 11.1.4 PN-94311.1.4.1 Tlhahiso ea API (Outsourcing) API Demand Forecast 2024-2040

Nako ea poso: Jul-06-2023